Italian Anemone Corms
Italian Anemone Corms
Anemones! We’ve spent 7 years growing this incredible flower and decided that the Italian varieties are our favorites. The Italian varieties are taller, bigger, more robust, and come in the most beautiful shades you can find. After visiting Italy last spring, I was able to get my hands on some of their newer varieties and am excited to share them with you!
Varieties we’re offering are:
Mistral Azurro: Pale lavender-blue fading to white. Dark purple center. These sometimes bloom a bit darker and more purple depending on soil conditions. This variety is quite tall.
Levante Rosa: This is a brand new variety from Biancheri that you have to see to believe. Layers of fringed petals in cream and pink make each flower look almost fake. Plants are vigorous and stand up well to heat.
Bianco Centro Nero: The darling of Pinterest and our most requested flower by brides. Classic white with black centers, only bigger and better because they’re Italian.
Mistral Rosa Chiaro: New to our sale this year, but not new to our farm. These anemones are pink and are just so beautiful and unusual we had to get extra corms so you could grow some! Petals are slightly pointed and blooms begin pale pink, aging to a brighter pink.
Mistral Rarity: We sell out of this variety every year, so we’ve brought in more than ever. This is Heather’s all-time favorite spring flowers. The color is hard to describe - petals are pale beige-lavender on the inside and a darker lavender on the outside. Some skew more towards beige-pink coloring. They are simply magical and highly productive.
Mistral Tigre Vinato: This one is for the color lovers! I had the privilege of seeing this new variety in the Biancheri breeding houses in Italy, and fell immediately in love. Each flower is unique and looks as if it was watercolored with purple wine.
Mistral Tigre: Similar to Tigre Vinato but red instead of purple. Another new variety from our friends at Biancheri!
It takes some gardening know-how to grow this flower, and we will send detailed instructions on how to pre-sprout and plant them. We grow our Anemones in zone 8b and they do wonderfully when planted in the fall. They sprout a small mass of greenery that survives the winter, and then start blooming for us in late February / early March. They are a cool-loving plant, but some folks with extremely cold winters have more success planting them in the late winter / early spring (and if you decide to spring plant, you can still order these now! They are dormant and can sit in a dark closet until spring). Please do some research on your growing zone and how to best grow anemones where you live.
Each unit for purchase is a bag of 10 corms - they will look sad and pathetic upon arrival. But those shriveled acorn-looking things will turn into some amazing flowers under the right growing conditions! Ours usually bloom heavily for about 3-4 weeks and then continue putting out flowers here and there for another 2-3 weeks. Here in our zone they come back almost every year when planted in well-draining soil so they don’t rot.
All corms are here on the farm and ready to ship as soon as you place your order. Many of these varieties are rare and exist in limited quantities, so be sure to order what you want now when they are available! Unfortunately, we are not able to ship them to California or outside the United States. Many thanks to our supplier, Onings, for the photos of varieties that we didn’t have pictures of.